Semantic Design
Redesigned how users flowed through educational articles.
Life Technologies (and later Thermo Fisher Scientific) not only provided cutting-edge biotechnology consumables and equipment but also served as an educational resource for students and scientists.
For this project, I was tasked with working with our Content Editors to redesign how users flowed through our articles.
During the discussions, I asked a question from my previous experience as a developer: “Have you given any thought to how well-formed the HTML will be?” This led to a discussion about the semantic web and how, in HTML5 and beyond, we wanted to see content decoupled from context.
Content tags needed to be
- well-formed so that third-party delivery systems could ingest them intelligently,
- easy to parse, read, and remember,
- and view-agnostic so that the end user could decide how they wanted to experience the material.